Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Support The Party
The Administrations foreign policy of raining freedom bombs from unmanned drones is alarming, their domestic civil rights record is appalling, their justice department is limited to busting prescription marijuana users and an economic policy that is anemic at best. Still, it is a true statement that a second Obama administration would be far better than a Romney presidency. The problem is how can the Democratic wing of the Democratic party get the President to not take their vote for granted? What can the current administration do at this late hour earn back the vote of the left?
After Obama won the Presidency his motto changed from "Yes we can," to "I got this." His Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, organized a scheme to protect Obama's left flank by giving the heads of several lefty interest groups a seat at the table and explaining the policies of the President. If any of them objected and threatened action, Rahm would threaten to contact that organizations big money donors and tell them the President demands they withhold support--in short cut off their main money supply. Jane Hamsher of firedoglake famously dubbed this "the veal pen." At one such "strategy sessions" certain moderate Democrats were threatened with a primary candidate for weakening the Health Care bill. Rahm declared that was "fucking retarded."
Obama's press secretary Robert Gibbs, frustrated at how ungrateful the President's base was declared we should be "drug tested." With such open contempt held by senior staff for the base of this President shows a clear political problem. Reporters who wish to maintain sources declare the liberal wings' discontent as a desire for "ideological purity" when nothing could be further than the truth. That should be reserved for the teabaggers. But Gibbs and Rahm have done real damage to the Presidents re-election chances. How is it possible to actively support the President's re-election without Rahm and Gibby doing a snoopy dance and spiking the football for enacting a center-right agenda?
The health care bill we should be so grateful for was born in the bowels of the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank. A Vampire Squid is wearing the Presidents' jewelry, punctuating the Obama domestic economic agenda. Upper marginal tax rate increase? Nope. Inheritance tax resolution? Nope. Employee Free Choice Act? Not so much. Lock up a single crooked Bankster for the most massive fraud ever perpetuated in the history of the planet? Crickets. I guess I'm just a fucking retarded degenerate junkie for not being fired up and ready to go.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Obama Vies For Second Term
It is fairly easy to categorize those who oppose these two measures as homophobes and bigots, so I think I will. Rush Limbaugh immediately told his "ditto heads" Obama's same sex endorsement was an assault on marriage. His first, second, third and fourth wives were not available for comment. The President, speaking a belief like he did on same sex marriage is a far different thing than telling the Justice Department who not to prosecute. The Dream Act is a reasonable proposition but the President's actions demonstrate a troubling pattern.
The Justice Department is supposed to be independent of politics. Presidents can set priorities--drugs, porn, white collar--etc., but telling the Justice Department who to, and who not to prosecute, smacks of political elitism. Many on the left demanded previous administration officials be prosecuted for war crimes, and indeed when Eric Holder, undergoing confirmation hearings for his successful appointment as Attorney General for the United States, agreed with Senator Patrick Leahy that water boarding was torture, he failed to bring charges once he was confirmed.
President Obama insisted that we "look forward" his reasoning for demanding the Justice Department not do Justice on prior administration officials. Overlooking the fact that all crimes occur "in the past" it fed into the belief that prosecutions are selective and the elite class, no matter how heinous their crimes, would receive deferential treatment from a politicized Department of Justice. America has more people locked up right now than all other countries combined, so the Department of Justice is no shrinking violet when it comes to visiting the full weight and benefit of its resources on the American citizenry, and yet not a single Bankster has yet to be charged, 4 years after nuking the world economy.
Clearly President Obama has an eye on the "Citizens United" ruling of the Supreme Court which allows unlimited corporate expenditures on political campaigns. Obama received more Wall Street money in his bid for the Presidency than John McCain. It would be unreasonable not to speculate that a Savings and Loan type of prosecution (circa 80s & 90s) might somewhat thin out Obama's election coffers. The same can be said for his "evolvement" on the LBGT marriage issue. Two incomes with no children leaves a lot of disposable income for campaign contributions. The importance of votes, not money, is the reason for adding the Dream Act Executive order into the Department of Justice, giving them another category of whom not to prosecute.
It is true Obama took office in a country facing a four alarm fire. When the opposition party showed up with hatchets to chop up anything that resembled a fire hose, the President threw the entire country over his shoulder and tried to drag it to safety, while republicans predictably bit his ankles. Yet he insisted on dealing with them, coming out of the gate with the compromise positions which naturally ended up with republican policies after additional compromise. Democrats are tired of this and the President is in real danger of losing re-election. There is a large block, count me among them, of Democratic voters who are drifty. Sometimes we vote, mostly when we have something to vote for or against. I have huge difficulties in voting for Obama since all we get out of him are republican policies and Banksters like Jamie Dimon, famously called a Vampire squid wrapped around the face of America sticking his beak into anything that smelled of money showing up at a recent Senate hearing after losing $3 Billion wearing Presidential cufflinks. He's got sack because Obama's got his back.
Friday, October 07, 2011
An Occupy Wall Street Analogy
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The Left Battles The Left
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Conservative Values

Halliburton Co. said on Wednesday that it has gotten a letter of intent from Shell Iraq Petroleum Development BV that would make Halliburton the project manager for developing the Majnoon field in southern Iraq.
Halliburton said it wold be working with Nabors Drilling and the Iraq Drilling Company. The contract needs final approval by Iraqi authorities, Halliburton said.
Iraq reached a deal with Shell in January to develop the mammoth oil field, along with partner Petronas, Malaysia's state-run oil company. Shell and Petronas plan to raise production in the field from the current 45,900 barrels per day to 1.8 million barrels per day over 10 years.
Halliburton shares rose 9 cents to close at $28.79 on Wednesday.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Ground Zero Muslim Mosque
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Maureen Dowd Punches Hippies
He’s often unresponsive and sometimes hostile to the press. His adversarial barking has only heightened tensions with a press that was once lampooned for fawning over his boss.
Fox built up a Republican president; MSNBC is trying to make its reputation by tearing down a Democratic one.
Obama and Gibbs are upset that the lefties won’t recognize the necessity of compromise. The left is snapping back: What necessity? You won 365 electoral votes. You have both houses of Congress. And bipartisanship is an illusion.
Some liberals, like the president, felt he could live without the public option, whereas lefties thought the public option was essential.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
The 2010 Elections
Thursday, July 22, 2010
No Teahadists Are Racist
Opposed To Tort Reform
Basically, it reduces the amount of frivolous lawsuits.
In my opinion, a woman that sues McDonald's (and wins) because she spills her hot coffee on herself, is afrivolous lawsuit.
And The South Shall Rise Again
Monday, April 12, 2010
The founding fathers "were not referring to a turkey shoot or a quail hunt. They really weren't even talking about us having the ability to protect ourselves against each other," Brogdon said. "The Second Amendment deals directly with the right of an individual to keep and bear arms to protect themselves from an overreaching federal government."
Turning Fifty
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Don Blankenship: Hoist By His Own Petard
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Republicans Defend Their Base
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Insurance industry lawyer William Schiffbauer told the New York Times, “The fine print differs from the larger political message. If a company sells insurance, it will have to cover pre-existing conditions for children covered by the policy. But it does not have to sell to somebody with a pre-existing condition. And the insurer could increase premiums to cover the additional cost.’’
Monday, March 29, 2010
Demonstrating Teabagger Gets Broke Back
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Anatomy Of The Health Care Bill
And the pharmaceutical industry, flush with billions delivered from the cash cow of overcharged sick Americans and an army of lobbyists willing to purchase meaningless reform or finance opposition that upset their apple cart.
And the Republicans, ran out of office during a five alarm fire stand armed with moltov cocktails to pitch at any fire trucks arriving on the scene. A party willing to see this country burn to the ground rather than any democratic policies enacted for water.
And the liberal base of the President's party seeing their moment of empowerment wanting to slit the throats of those profiting from sick people and demanding Medicare for all--also known as single payer.
The post-partisan President sought to thread that needle.
And to thread that needle, President Obama chose the DLC-Clinton model. The DLC or Democratic Leadership Council is a corporate friendly organization formed to suckle off some of the Republican campaign dollars from the corporate teet. The DLC-Clinton model is where progressive goals are obtained through private entities for the mutual benefit of the private entities and the administration.
In early July of last year the Obama administration entered into deals with Pharma and America's Health Insurance Plans, (AHIP). Pharma agreed to cut up to $80 Billion in projected costs to American citizens and seniors over the next ten years, run ads supporting vulnerable Democrats in their districts, not to torpedo the reform effort, and no playing footsie with Republicans. They would receive no drug reimportation bill, no shifting of drugs from Medicare part B to Medicare part D, and no Government negotiated prices for drugs.
The deal with AHIP was similar--$155 Billion in cuts over ten years, run some ads, don't torpedo the effort, eliminate pre-existing conditions, quit dropping sick people, etc. They would get 30 million new customers mandated by law to purchase their product with tax subsidies for those who can't afford it.
AHIP became a little concerned with the public insurance option but were assured it would not be in the final bill. Even though candidate Obama campaigned on a Government run plan and President Obama said he favored it, behind the scenes it was a different story. The public option was merely a cudgel over the head of AHIP to encourage compliance and something to keep the progressives busy with. It was traded away in early July.
These meetings and deals were not aired on C-Span. The congress scampered around having their kabuki with the Senate, meanwhile the deal was done and no meat was left on the bones. Congress looks bad in this whole thing because they didn't have much to work with.
What we are left with is the most massive transfer of wealth from the public sector to the private sector in American history, save for WWII. This money goes to an industry rife with bad practices. However, the money comes attached to some regulations--and not a regulator in sight.
I feel better already.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
In Defense Of Mark Sanford
So, terrified of being teabagged by a huge Mandingo stimulus package and thereby feeling impotent and self-conscious, the Governor just said "Fuck it," it, presumably being Maria in Argentina."This is almost like, 'I don't give a damn, the country's going to Hell in a handbasket, I just want out of here,'" said Limbaugh. "He had just tried to fight the stimulus money coming to South Carolina. He didn't want any part of it. He lost the battle. He said, 'What the Hell. I mean, I'm -- the federal government's taking over -- what the Hell, I want to enjoy life.'"
"The point is," he added, "there are a lot of people whose spirit is just -- they're fed up, saying to Hell with it, I don't even want to fight this anymore, I just want to get away from it."
It's all about the man, keeping you down, Argentina way.
Aye caramba!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
One wonders how the pallid peoples of the Republican base of South Carolina will cotton to the idea of cross-breeding with a Latina instead of a good hometown American woman. The fact his presser was on hump day is just a coincidence.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Leave Meghan McCain Aloooooone!
Meghan did way yonder better than I would've done when I was 25. I probably would've resembled a potted plant. Begala can't be blamed for taking an opening a truck could drive through, but Meghan does have a message as it pertains to the future of the Republican party. Trying to incorporate current complaints of the Democratic President is not part of it and just turns her into a typical whiny shill opening her up for drubbings like Paul gave her.
Note to Meghan--stick to your heartfelt beliefs as it pertains to the future of the Republican party and avoid trying to critique the opposition. Methinks your plate is overfull.
The Pete Tweet:
Iranian twitter activity similar to what we did in House last year when Republicans were shut down in the House.Not to be outdone, other tweets came in with similar really bad analogies:
Got a splinter in my hand, now I know how Jesus felt.
Someone walked in on me in the bathroom. Reminded me of Pearl Harbor.
Sitting in a chair, feeling a good deal like Stephen Hawking.
More Hoekstroika fun here.
Liberal Media
He was branded with the scarlet letter of being a liberal.
Somehow, I missed the part where avoiding foreign entanglements, opposing torture, opposing illegal wiretaps and expecting elected officials to follow the law as liberal positions.
Asking tough questions has become out of vogue for our stenographic press. Press The Meat fellator David Gregory explains the media failure in the run-up to the Iraq war:
"I think there are a lot of critics who think that . . . . if we did not stand up [in the run-up to the war] and say 'this is bogus, and you're a liar, and why are you doing this,' that we didn't do our job. I respectfully disagree. It's not our role"
As an example to Froomkin, David Gregory shows how to question the President prior to going to war:
Q Mr. President, good evening. If you order war, can any military operation be considered a success if the United States does not capture Saddam Hussein, as you once said, dead or alive?
Q Sir, I’m sorry, is success contingent upon capturing or killing Saddam Hussein, in your mind?
In sales, this is called a choice close. "Do you want the red car or the blue one." One assumes the sale and gives the choice of options as opposed to whether the sale should take place at all, or in the field of journalism, calling bullshit:
Mainstream-media political journalism is in danger of becoming increasingly irrelevant, but not because of the Internet, or even Comedy Central. The threat comes from inside. It comes from journalists being afraid to do what journalists were put on this green earth to do.What is it about Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert that makes them so refreshing and attractive to a wide variety of viewers (including those so-important younger ones)? I would argue that, more than anything else, it is that they enthusiastically call bullshit.
Calling bullshit, of course, used to be central to journalism as well as to comedy. And we happen to be in a period in our history in which the substance in question is running particularly deep. The relentless spinning is enough to make anyone dizzy, and some of our most important political battles are about competing views of reality more than they are about policy choices. Calling bullshit has never been more vital to our democracy.
[...] Dan Froomkin, recently fired bullshit detector.
Froomkin served an odd function in that he practiced the art of journalism at the Washington Post, and it "wasn't working." He turned into the guest actor of an old Star Tek episode, the one with the different colored suit.
Spock, Bones, Scotty and...Froomkin, beam down to the surface...Hell, you knew Froomkin wasn't coming back. It was his perverted view that journalists should be skeptical and adversarial to claims made by political figures, and was labeled liberal for pointing out their false claims and radical policies. Reporters are simply supposed to type down what both sides say and run it through a spell check program. Calling bullshit, as David Grogory has told us, "It's not our role."
To get an idea of what Dan Froomkin felt the role of the press was, read this, this and this. Simply put, he didn't believe journalists should be stenographers, much less cheerleaders for politicians. And he was fired.
But the persecuted and largely silenced voice of conservatives, like neocon Charles Krauthammer, neocon Bill Kristol, Kathleen Parker, Glenn Beck, neocon and serial comb licker Paul Wolfowitz (who told congress prior to the Iraq invasion that Iraqi's would be able to finance their own rebuilding. He went on to head the World Bank, where presumably, math was involved. He got fired shortly thereafter) still get published in The Washington Post.
Keep chasing that thirty percent WaPo and see where that gets you.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sex And Politics
At some point, someone needs to call a truce and leave this sordid stuff to a single paragraph AP story. We have more important things to worry about than preachy two-faced sleaze bags.
Right Wing Extremists Terrorize America
After DHS secretary Janet Napolitano released the report initiated during the Bush administration titled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," every right-wing pundit in America was outraged. Even though no names were mentioned, curiously these pundits stepped in and demanded an apology, for slandering them personally--a blatant admission that they too, are right-wing extremists.
What is it exactly do we have to fear from these right-wing extremists that have a protective and Semper Fi-ish punditocracy who forced Napolitano into multiple apologies and retraction of the report?
The day after Obama's inauguration, Keith Luke kicks things off with a raping and murderous rampage. His plan was to kill as many "non-whites" as possible before killing himself.
Twenty days later, on February 10, Hitler admirer, Nazi memorabilia collector and serial wife-beater James Cummins was killed by his wife. Police found radioactive "dirty bomb" materials in his home.
Sixteen days later, on February 26, Dannie Baker walks into a townhouse where 14 Chilean students, here legally, were gathered and opened fire. He kills two and injures five, out of fear immigrants are taking over the country.
Thirty eight days later, on April 5, Richard Popalowski, a white supremacist, gun nut and cop killer lay in wait, wearing a bulletproof vest, for police. He killed three officers in the ensuing gun battle.
Twenty three days later, on April 28, Army Reservist, wife-beater, cop killer and Obama hater Joshua Cartwright shot and killed two deputy sheriffs when they tried to arrest him on a misdemeanor charge of domestic battery.
Eight days later, on May 6, racist Jew-hater Stephen P. Morgan guns down, in cold blood, a female Jewish Wesleyan student. He kept a journal where he wrote down his belief that it is, "Okay to kill Jews and go on a killing spree."
Twenty four days later, on May 30, founder and Executive Director of the militant vigilante group Minutemen American Defense (MAD)Shawna Forde along with some thug followers, allegedly did a home invasion where two of the occupants were murdered. Husband and father Raul Flores, along with his nine-year-old daughter were mercilessly gunned down. The wife and mother was wounded in the invasion.
The next day, on May 31, far right extremist Scott Roeder assasinated Doctor George Tiller in church.
Ten days later, on June 10, white-power Aryan nutcase and Jew-hater James Wenneker von Brunn walks into the national Holocaust Museum in Washington DC and opens fire, killing a security guard.
These cannot be brushed aside as "lone wolf" isolated incidents as I am sure the mighty right-wing wurlitzer will try to claim but it is disturbing to watch them attempt to call these right-wing extremists as lefties.
More of these attacks will surely occur, and they seem to be coming with higher frequency. More and more Americans will recoil from such acts, which will further isolate the right wing. And like a stalker, the more you ignore them, the more brazen they will become.
We're in for a long, hot summer.
h/t to Orcinus
Monday, June 15, 2009
Truth Hurts
From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.
Also, he failed to mention high-powered political operative Lee Atwater, who worked in the Reagan Administration, ran Bush the first's Presidential campaign and went on to control the Republican party as the RNC chair. Here he explains the modern use of code words in dog whistle politics of the "southern strategy."
I appreciate the history lesson Red put up about the birth of the KKK and how Lincoln freed the slaves and all, but I wonder how he missed the part how the Republican party targeted and actively campaigned to welcome racists? To completely be ignorant of a decades old strategy that continues to this very day is an indicator of stunning incompetence.And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger".
- You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.
Yes, I know I rarely blog these days, as I have a full-time job in the energy sector. Please don't waste energy whining about my "drive-by blogging." Instead, thank me for providing the electricity you use for blogging.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Clingy Losers
Now, after Republican rule over two wars and doubling the size of the Federal Government and debt, Katrina, Schiavo, and just all around dickeadedry, America has turned its back on the fanatical 20 percent that remains of the Republican Party. The anger has risen to a dangerous level and is manifesting itself in recent killings.
Ann Coulter once said "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim."
I think it is fair to say that not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republicans.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Hoist By Their Own Petard
Ya think?
Well, actually, there are four parts to the Republican Party.
The Corporate Cons. These are the guys who actually own the joint. Captains of Industry and Galactic Scions all. They send their sniveling whelps to the best schools and purchase them elite positions in think tanks who issue relentless opinions that if Pops has to pay taxes or clean up the megatons of daily toxic waste his company spews forth, then all America will die of festering boils. They have color charts and everything.
Now, The Corporate Cons are not a large voting bloc, and probably couldn't get elected coffee pot carrier at the local Ihop. That's just not their job. And they are not Republican or Democratic--the ideology they hold is entirely self beneficial. So who would be a good tool to help them out?
The Neo Cons. These are the lackey's, the lickspittles who carefully crafted a legalized bribery machine to power the military-industrial complex. Actual Congresscritters and Senawhores purchased to enact legislation to benefit their owners--and we are not talking about the American people. But unfortunately they were stuck in the 40 percent range and could never actually achieve power. What savior could they call upon to deliver them to the promised land?
The Theo Cons. About two generation ago it was determined that social issues could be used to push the Republican party over the top. A partnership was formed wherein the religious leaders vowed to deliver votes for the Corporate Cons much like a station wagon is used to deliver groceries. And the sermon on the mount was delivered, that the evil liberal had set upon the good, God fearing Christian, persecuting them, conducting evil that would condemn our great nation to eternal damnation.
Tha assault was relentless. Every month a new group to hate. Welfare queens, abortionists, sodomites, dirty fucking hippies, ad infinitum. Some were repelled by such rhetoric, but many were not. The distillation process left them with the...
Conned Cons. An entire generation or two of millions of people have been indoctrinated into the belief that Democrats and their policies or position are evil. They are akin to the ceramic doll in the back window of an El Dorado Cadillac, heads bobbing up and down to anything Rush or Hannity or Newt (the three stooges of the republican party) says. Intelligent discourse is gone and compromise is heresy. A construct designed wholly by the republican party, like Frankenstein, cobbled out of hate and intolerance, rotten flesh and bad breath, the Conned Cons walk around like the undead, spewing talking points like a right-wing pez-dispenser.
But this Frankenstein doesn't fear torches, he carries them. The three stooges told them to never show weakness by compromise, so they carefully look amongst themselves for non-purist and quickly set upon those they find. So the three stooges and Faux News get great ratings and are doing financially quite well in the free-enterprise system and the market of ideals.
But that succesful rating came at the cost of electoral disaster. Now the teabaggers feel persecuted once again, but they are such mindless drones they don't see their tormentors at the head of the parade.
And The Corporate Cons? Why, they are comfortably fondling the Democrats now.
And so it goes.
Don't Ask Don't Tell
Say me and another guy are pinned down behind a rock under heavy fire. We have limited ammo, and the other guy is a flaming queer o'sexual and a crack shot. One shot--one kill. Hell I'll kiss him right on the mouth, tongue, no tongue, his choice. Now say the same scenario but the other guy is a homophobe hetero. But he is a titty sucking lightweight, firing into the air, using his weapon like a noise maker, hoping to scare off the enemy.
Now we only have so many bullets. I'll let you draw your own conclusion as to who the first sonofabitch is I shoot.
The point being, in life and death situations you want the best qualified individual standing next to you. In times like that lifestyles are so far down the priority list as to be irrelevant. Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Abortion Doctor Murdered By Far-Right Extremist; Pro-Lifers Rejoice
George Tiller, an abortion doctor, was shot dead in his church Sunday morning by Operation Rescue follower Scott Roeder. Somehow, shooting someone in cold blood doesn't seem all that pro-lifey to me. Right-wing extremists disagree:
Red State:
Operation Rescue founder and far-right extremist Randall Terry:Killing Tiller was the ethical thing to do
tankertodd Sunday, May 31st at 2:25PM EDT
I can’t escape the conclusion that killing Tiller was the right thing to do. I am uncomfortable with this conclusion because it’s dangerous. But nevertheless, it was the ethical thing to do. Tiller would have continued to take numerous lives. Nothing was going to stop him. So someone did stop him. And now fewer lives will be taken.
"George Tiller was a mass-murderer. We grieve for him that he did not have time to properly prepare his soul to face God.Current Operation Rescue President Troy Newman tries to distance his organization from the killer:
Years of hate speech directed at Tiller for performing a legal medical procedure drove zealots to relentlessly attack the Doctor. His clinic was bombed and Doctor Tiller was shot in both arms. Now he has been murdered in his church.
Probably the biggest spewer of vile invective toward Doctor Tiller is the Supremely Moral phone sex enthusiast Bill O'Reilly who labeled the Doctor "Tiller the baby killer:"
According to Gabriel Winant, Billo first discussed Tiller on February 25, 2005 and followed it up with 28 more shows that mentioned the Doctor. Falafel boy portrayed the Doctor as a killer on the loose and using profits from his "death mills" to purchase political protection by giving campaign donations.
What could possibly go wrong?
What can never be explained to far right-wing extremist pro-lifers bent on bombing and killing are the deeply personal and dreadful choices people were faced with who sought out Doctor Tiller, from Feministe:
Recently anchor baby Michele Maulkkkin led the flying monkey brigade assault on Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to pull a report identifying future threats possibly coming from right wing extremists and anti-abortionists. Now our lady of concentration camps is calling for civility and warning the left and the corporate media not to politicize this political assasination cheered by right wing extremist theocons who operate outside the law.I was almost 26 weeks. I showed up for my ultrasound by myself. I was scanned for almost 2 hours. This is when my life forever changed. The scan showed that her little brain was severely calcified, parts were not symmetrical and there was fluid. The doctor took me into a room to talk to me. I told her “please just tell me the truth I need to know.” The Doctor said that she had no idea what this meant but that she felt something was terribly wrong. Within two weeks her brain had gone from “normal” to massive problems. I was sent up to Genetics. The counselor told me that the genetic doctor wanted to talk to me. I requested that they wait until my husband got there. The conversation with this doctor was the same, she felt that something was terribly wrong, but they had no idea what it was. “This looks like the tip of the iceberg” we were told.
The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life was to decide to terminate this pregnancy. This all happened on a Wednesday.
Friday we had to go and talk with some perinatologists. They told us that they had never seen this before and that they could not tell us what the outcome would be. We did not even get a percentage of what her life would be like. They told us that she possibly could die in utero, die shortly after birth, or be a vegetable. They told us that we could wait another two weeks and have another scan and possibly an MRI. How could I go on another day? It killed me to feel her move around inside. This was so awful.
We had another appointment with the doctor that performed the terminations. We were told that with my conditions and the lateness of the pregnancy he did not feel he could give me the care that I required. That’s when we were referred to the Women’s Clinic in Wichita, Kansas.
I was 27 weeks by this point. I was terrified. The moment I met the doctor, all of that ended. He was a wonderful and loving man. I came in on Monday and gave birth to our baby girl on Friday. We were able to hold her after, and say our goodbyes. That doctor will always be in my heart.
This happened two weeks ago and sometimes I feel like this isn’t real. I miss feeling her inside me. I miss singing or talking to her, touching my belly and have her respond. The hardest part now is that I will never get to see her smile or laugh or to watch her grow up A day does not pass that I don’t think of her. I miss her so much.
Creepy phone sex enthusiast and serial sexual harasser responds:
When I heard about Tiller’s murder, I knew pro-abortion zealots and Fox News haters would attempt to blame us for the crime, and that’s exactly what has happened. [...]I see. Bill O'Reilly is the real victim here.
Friday, May 01, 2009
My Coffee With Jane
I live in Oklahoma City, which is 120 miles from Tulsa, but since I am also a truck driver, the trip is like to the corner store. I tend to be somewhat course having spent twenty years in the oilfield and very little makes me nervous, yet that two hour drive up the Turnpike worked on me. In my line of work I never get to have a conversation with a woman of her caliber--to hell with that--anyone of her caliber. She can be brutal and brilliant on her blog. I had better not piss her off was my main concern.
When she came in the coffee house, I noticed she was wearing the same satiny over sized blue top she was wearing the first time I saw her at YearlyKos in Las Vegas. One of those comfy, light and roomy shirts that could easily become a favorite. Her hair was long back then, and very thick, still slightly damp from a recent shower, and, to me, she seemed very thin. One could use the word fragile, if one was completely ignorant of the force that is Jane Hamsher.
We greeted warmly, got some coffee and on the way to a table she gave a brief recount of her mother, Greta, mixed with smiles and tears. Slowly I led the conversation to other areas, as I felt was my role, to gently ease her pain. I asked her how long she had been involved in politics. She sat up, cocked her head and said "always" and regaled me with tales of hither and yon, clearly enjoying her walk down memory lane of her early activism.
We talked and laughed and generally made good of the time. On two occasions her mood drastically changed. The first one was when she declared, "Another Republican President will change the make-up of the Supreme Court and set back women's rights for a generation. I am not going to let that happen!"
The second one came as we were walking toward the door and she let it be known that she had fought off cancer twice. I was angling for the door, being a proper southern gentleman, to open it for her when she said "I will NOT let it beat me," grabbed the door and snatched it open. Her face had completely changed. Her classic beauty had been replaced by a grim glare fixed in determination.
We parted company, and as surely as I was dazzled, she was probably underwhelmed. Still, I hoped I gave her a brief respite from her deep loss. When she left Tulsa, she headed to Connecticut to primary Joe Liebermans ass. Ned Lamont, a local businessman, was running against Lieberman as an opponent to the war. Rahmbo, then head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was parroting Chuck Schumer, then head of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee urging all their hand-picked Blue Dogs to NOT TALK ABOUT THE WAR!!
Jane led the blogosphere by hanging the war around Joe Liebermans neck, along with all his other "short ride" idiotic positions. When Ned Lamont kicked Liebermans ass in the primary, it sent shock waves through the political glitterati. Suddenly it became okay to oppose a stupid war we shouldn't have started to begin with.
Democrats did not lose a single seat anywhere, and the Republicans were slaughtered. The most dangerous place to be was between a camera or microphone and Rahmbo or Schumer. Stupid shits.
Jane suffered her third bout with cancer. It was a bad one, and yet again she stared the grim reaper in the face and sent the fucker packing. In my neighborhood, she is what we would affectionately call one tough fucking broad.
The Presidential race, for awhile, offered three options. One was a warmonger, one voted for the war, but was now opposed to it and the other was opposed to the war from the start. A nice spread on the options and America chose the non-waffling-non-warmonger. No one could have anticipated...
And now our newly elected Democratic President will choose our next Supreme Court Justice. All I have to say is, "Jane, this Justice is for you."