Sunday, April 09, 2006

Guest Worker Program

We need to watch this one. I'm afraid it could end up being the 21st century version of slavery. Will the 'guests' have any rights whatsoever? And if so, what protections will be afforded to some 'uppity messicans'? Is this the introduction to a revolving door of indentured servitude serfdom of guests? Legislation that authorizes exploitation with provisions for 'use "em and lose 'em" is patently inhumane and un-American. We have grown past slavery and torture, woops. Any legislation must include a path to citizenship. The numbers must be controlled by punishing the exploiters. Fences and walls will not stop those in desperate need nor those willing to prey on them. Criminalizing those who set forth, with hope as the only means they have in abundance, to a new land, has already happened here before. The debate needs to be how many immigrants do we need each year, and then absolutely control that number. Each immigrant that legally enters our country should be provided with a path to citizenship. Those found exploiting undocumented workers must be fined an exorbitant amount. If we need to employ displaced union workers to root these bastards out, so be it. No one else seems to have the gonads to do it.


Beth said...


Do you have a first name by chance? And I will agree with you on the point that guest worker resembles slavery.

Fences, are they being built to keep people out or to keep people in?

jen said...

definitely charge the business mofo's undercutting the minimum wage a fortune. Bush hasn't charged one thin dime.