Monday, December 11, 2006

Clinton Taps Lady Di's Phone; Rightards Heads Explode

News reports indicate the CIA was wiretapping Princess Dianna's phones up until the night of her untimely death.

This would have occurred during the Clinton Administration, and apparently, they didn't have a warrant. Gasp.

Wingnuts across America are coming all unhinged at the blatant hypocrisy of the left for not crucifying Bill Clinton like we have Dubya for his warrantless eavesdropping.

You see, we on the left are hypocrites for opposing Bush and remaining silent on Clinton for warrantless wiretapping. Clinton is a Democrat and Bush is a Republican, this is the only difference they see.

They fail to see one was legal and the other is clearly illegal.

The applicable law governing wiretaps is FISA, which is limited to U.S. citizens in the United States. Princess Di was neither.

Bush broke the law on this issue, whereas Bill Clinton did not. However, Clinton was crucified for breaking the law (perjury) during the Lewinsky matter. At that time, Republicans demanded the law be upheld as the highest obligation for lawmakers.

I find Republicans to be shallow and wishy-washy hypocrites, only applying their deeply held convictions when it is convenient and politically advantageous to do so.


Anonymous said...

Hi Oilfield Guy,

I had read that they were tapping her phone the night of, which I though very odd, so it's better that they'd been doing i all along, I guess. If you know what I mean.

Another reason that Democrats (or anyone)are more concerned with Bush's wiretaps than Clintons could be that Bush is doing taping phones right now.

RD said...

yes, BUSH is tapping phone calls from known terrorists OUTSIDE the country to anyone inside the U.S.

Liberals seem to be afraid that their calls to their local drug dealer might be tapped as well, or that Bush might be listening in on political opponents.(lol)

Liberals/democrats broadcast every single lie about BUSH at the top of their lungs... who needs to try and listen in?... the task is to hear anything else.

Maybe you're worried that he is hearing you call your mommies and cry every single day about how "the world just isn't fair".

Don't worry little libs,... Bush doesn't care who you are calling to bash him, just who might be calling YOU to discuss blowing something up for them.

So, the next time you see "AL Qaeda" show up on your caller ID, DON'T ANSWER IT... and you'll be fine.


Oilfieldguy said...

yes, BUSH is tapping phone calls from known terrorists OUTSIDE the country to anyone inside the U.S.
According to who? The judge who issues the warrant as is required by law and has stood for thirty years as a choice by the American people, through their congress? No. Bush has siezed the power to break the law.

Liberals seem to be afraid that their calls to their local drug dealer might be tapped as well, or that Bush might be listening in on political opponents.(lol)

This isn't about wiretapping or protecting Americans, it is about following the law, something Bush refuses to do.

Liberals/democrats broadcast every single lie about BUSH at the top of their lungs... who needs to try and listen in?... the task is to hear anything else.

Then he needs to get a warrant.

Maybe you're worried that he is hearing you call your mommies and cry every single day about how "the world just isn't fair".

I am more concerned with the bedwetting republicans who are willing to let Daddy Bush shred the constitution to feel safer. Whatta bunch of tiddy-babies.

Don't worry little libs,... Bush doesn't care who you are calling to bash him, just who might be calling YOU to discuss blowing something up for them.

Then get a warrant.

So, the next time you see "AL Qaeda" show up on your caller ID, DON'T ANSWER IT... and you'll be fine.

According to who? The lying sack of shit Bush? I prefer a second opinion, from someone who doesn't have an (R) behind their name, and maybe a judge.

RD said...

"get a warrant"... for a disposable cellphone number in a foreign country. Sure thing, right away.

By the time you get the warrant, the number is dead and so are some people.Getting the warrant after the fact exposes the operation and tips off the terrorists.
THIS IS WAR, not crime fighting.
(there IS a difference)

your "assumption" and assertion that BUSH has the time, energy or interest in listening to YOUR phone calls (to mommy) is absurd, insane, paranoid and politically motivated.

Besides, you wouldn't be happy even if there were warrants involved... admit it, you don't believe anyone wants to attack us (since you believe BUSH is the enemy).

You would just claim that Bush's hand-picked judges that made him president would give him any warrant he wants. (right?)

If you really care about someone breaking the law... look into the hundreds of thousands of illegals coming across the border and get back to me.

Oilfieldguy said...

FISA allows a 72 hour window to eavesdrop first and get the warrant later, to cover the "ticking bomb" scenario you address, as well as the Patriot Act provides roving wiretaps to cover disposable phones.

Bush chose to ignore the law and seized the power to break it.

As far as dragging immigration into this argument, I find those who exploit the weak and powerless to be the true un-American criminals.